Sunday 9 September 2012

The Bi-Monthly Update - FOW/40K/Infinity

So another 2 months have passed since I updated.  A lot has happened since then but not much gaming unfortunately.  

So what then have I been up to?  Well July was focused on trying to get my army fully painted and based for Brocon - the last 5th edition tournament I would attend.   Although I ultimately failed in that goal, I had a great time with 5 excellent games and opponents, in a very well run tournament.  So it was I bade farewell to 5th ed and all its beautiful idiosyncrasies.  

Also in July I started to dig into Flames of War.  Now I am aware that this game has become increasingly popular and as a long time historical gamer I couldn't resist its allure.  So after purchasing a few boxes of Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) Shermans (€20+ for 5) and some Battlefront tank destroyers (M10 + M18's), I was well on my way to fielding a force out of Blood, Guts and Glory.  Ah but what a surprise it was to start assembling those kits - I had forgotten how small and delicate that scale was.  Still I must say the price and quality of the miniatures puts another larger company pricing to shame.  One thing I also hadn't reckoned was how complex a ruleset it was in comparison to 40k.   So many rules but in its favour the rulebook index is fantastic and there is so far nothing that I have come across that isn't covered in the rules.  So no waiting 2 months to see what an FAQ rules.  If anybody is interested in getting into FOW, then October is going to be brilliant with the release of a €60 starter set - Open Fire.  It is filled with 2 amazing forces (US/British versus Germans) and the models looks great.  The folks over at War Altar have done a great look at this: 
Yeah for proper terrain and not random ruins/ hills

So what about 40k?  Well family commitments have left me unable to play much but I have tried keeping tabs on what is hot/cold in terms of 6th edition.  While I haven't been chatting to many folks about the rules/armies, I have seen the internet froth over how "OMG, how OP are Flyers, they are the brokenz".  So have tournament results born that out here in Ireland?  To a degree yes.  I think (IMHO without too much gaming done) if one allows allies, fortifications and Forgeworld - the new Troika - then flyers don't dominate as evidenced by NWG results.  If one goes by straight rulebook missions with none of the above then Flyer armies are very strong (Conspiracy).  More so I think that the basic rulebook missions aren't balanced enough and this is exacerbated by the lack of AA in a number of codices.   

So what is the answer to this potential problem - is it the Troika or should GW release the much vaunted S7 Flakk Missile upgrade?  More likely I think the 170 point Chaos Dragon with Vector Strike and 4 S8 shots will help deal with some of the flyer issues currently vexing people.  I don't think the answer is what NOVA open did by including Table quarters and then not making any vehicle scoring, as that makes all foot just too strong.  Until this issue is dealt with, and the new DA/Chaos codices show GW's thinking, I think the Troika is the solution but understand reservations about them.  

Personally as I play both Necrons and Wolves,  6th has affected those forces quite differently.   The Loganwing I was running is now just no match for Flyer Spam and suffers with the problems of the new wound allocation rules - no allocating lascannons to grunts and small arms to terminators anymore.  That and the changes to power weapons means that all those Wolf Claws/Power Swords are now going to have to be snapped off and replaced.  I am wondering if a mix of Rhino and Drop Pod wolves might not be better as I think the day of 75 Razorbacks is gone.  Necrons though they haven't changed too much.  Most the of the staples of 5th ed are still decent (Overlords, Annihilation Barges, Pulsetek, Veilteks, Wraiths) and some have gotten better (Scythes).  Only thing that was a staple that is now poor/ok is the Command Barge due to the loss of 24" sweep attacks and not affecting flyers.  That and being a Chariot so that krak grenades toast it, means that it now suffers to find a place in most of my lists.  

Another game that is increasingly popular both locally and nationally is Infinity.  Well my local group has started to take it up and just this past week I got my first game in.  All I can say is wow!  Quick, clean, efficient rules that make you consistently think and are fun.  I am very excited that this has taken off and will be encouraging anybody who hasn't already looked into it, to do so!  The models are fantastic and cost a 1/3 of a single finecast model.  The whole game system is incredibly balanced with little potential to "break" it as far as I am aware.  That and terrain is very easy to put together - Marg tubs, pringles tubes, card boxes and a can of grey spray paint equals an Infinity board.  Another bonus is that there is even and Irish Infinity Facebook page ( to post up and ask questions/arrange games.  

Enough sales pitch.  I should get back to prepping my 50 Grey Hunters, Drop pods and Night Scythes for my desperate allied force for what will possibly be my last tournament this year - Moo7.  Oh and finish painting those M10's and M18's so that by the time FOW has a tournament in the South (North is hosting one: I will have my force ready should I want to compete.   The next few months promise to be quite a demanding time and I hope to be able to blog more frequently than I have.  


  1. There's an infinity tournament in Dublin in October 13th if you feel like coming.

    It should be good fun, all scenario based, 300 points, players from all over Ireland.

  2. Hi Luke,
    I am living close to Limerick and like you am exploring the world of FOW, although I have opted for early war. Would be grateful if you let me know if there is a group playing FOW in Limerick and welcoming new members.

    1. Hi Frank,

      At the moment there are few players in Limerick who meet and play FOW on a regular basis. If you tried contacting the Gathering shop in town I know they were trying to get some games in on a Wednesday night but I think that was mostly Mid/Late War. Otherwise I know that the Fir Bolg group is thinking of playing a few games in the future on a Wednesday night but that is also Late War.

  3. Hi Luke,
    Thanks for that. Where is the Fir Bolg group?

    1. Fir Bolg group meet at the house of one of the group on a Wednesday night - the link for joining the group is:!forum/firbolga

      If you join up, I am sure someone will try and arrange a game with you although the focus is currently on Infinity.
